Click the link to download the software for Microsoft Office. Please complete the following steps after downloading.

Note Old versions of the system should automatically uninstall before a new version is installed. Should this cause problems, please click here.

Step 1: 

Click Run to start the installation

Step 2:

After running the installation this screen will be shown. Click Next to continue

Step 3:

If you want to install the software in a different location, click Browse and choose the location. Otherwise click Next to continue.

Step 4:

To make use of the software, you will need a subscription. Enter your own subscription code. Click Next to continue.

Step 5:

Select the desired Office applications to activate the add-in for these applications. Click Next to continue.

Step 6:

All steps have now been completed. Click Install to start the installation of the software. Depending on your security settings, you will be prompted with a security warning which you will need to accept to complete the installation.

Step 7:

Click Finish to complete the installation and start using the software for Microsoft Office

System requirements

The system requirements below apply:

- Microsoft Office 2013 or higher (32- or 64-bit);

- Microsoft Windows 10 or higher (32- or 64-bit);

- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 or later;

- Approximately 25MB disk space for initial installation;

- Approximately 100MB of disk space for caching (depending on configuration);

- Internet connection.