If you have two signatures that are almost exactly the same, you can use a so-called Variant to distinguish between the two variations within the same e-mail template. In using this, you will only need to create (and manage) one signature. An example of a variant could be a formal or informal signature.

Follow these steps to add a new variant:

  1. Open the e-mail signature screen, as described here.
  2. Click on Variants and the on Add.

The following screen is now opened:

  1. Enter the Name of the new variant. This is the name you will use in your HTML to refer to the variant.
  2. If required, enter a Caption as an additional illustration.
  3. Close this screen with the Save button.

After having created the variant, it should appear in the variant option box in either the Employee or Organisation datasource. All users that have selected this variant will have a different signature.

Note At the moment, this field is not available in the Employee and Organisation datasources. Please contact eformity if you'd like to have the field added for your subscription.

Further reading: Creating the outlook signature