From the side panel in Word you can choose the languages for your subscription. This is done as follows:

  1. Click on the profile icon (top right) The following screen appears:
  2. Click on Management. The following screen appears:
  3. Select Document languages or Dialog languages. The following screen appears:

  4. Make sure the check box for Only show active language is unchecked. For faster lookup, use the Filter field to enter the first letters of the language you want to select.  
    Note The dialog language is not country specific, but the document language is. This enables you to incorporate dialect specific translations in your documents.

  5. For each language you want to add, set the slide button to the 'on' position.

  6. After adding all the languages you want, click the X to close the screen.

Now that you've added additional languages, you will still need to add the necessary translations for each language. Read this article to learn how this is done.