Creating/modifying an employee in Word

To create a new author profile or to modify an existing one, follow these steps:

Step 1. In the main menu in Office click on the Author button (sometimes this is called Employee, depending on your organisation's settings)

Step 2. To create a new author profile, click on New. To modify an existing one, select the name and click on Modify.

Step 3. Enther the information and click on Finish.


  • Depending on your organisation's settings, the information may be different from the above example.
  • Don't forget to select the Unit/Organisation, even if there is only one option.
  • Required fields are marked with a *.

Multilingual systems have an extra option on the left, to enter the information in the other language(s). This works as follows:

  1. Click on the language you wish to add. A notification will appear that the information has not yet been created in that language. 
  2. Click Yes. The following screen will appear:

As you can see, only the fields with language-specific information are activated. In the above example, you will only fill in the job title and mobile number. The information in all the other fields is expected to be the same for every language and doesn't need to be entered.

Note Any field left blank will use the information entered in the default language (in this case Dutch). This is your fallback language.

To create a new author profile or to modify an existing one in de web browser

Step 1.  In the webbrowser go to you portal of your organisation ( and click on the three dashes in the left corner. After that click on Datasources.

Step 2. To create a new employee click on Add. To modify an existing employee click on Edit

Continue with Step 3 of Creating/modifying an employee in Word