Just like any e-mail signture, a signture in eformity.net is created from HTML. To create an e-mail signature, you will need this knowledge. The HTML is completed with:

  1. Fields for variable data from the datasources (Name, job title, logo, address, etc.).
  2. Translations, in the case of multilingual signatures.
  3. Images, for example social media icons. 

An example signature with an extensive description can be found here. Below you will find a short description of the main parts mentioned above.

Variable fields

For variable data you can use fields from the employee, organisation and/or location datasource. When generating the signature, the system uses the data that is linked to the author. For example, you might have several locations, but only the address for the author's location will be used in the signature.

An overview of the field names available for use in your signature can be found here.

Example: [DXEmployee["OrganizationId.LogoEmail"]]

This inserts the logo of the Organization that is linked to the default Author (Employee).


For the fixed texts in the signature (like the closing line) you may use translations. This way, you'll only need to create 1 e-mailsignature which is then available in different languages. By changing his/her language setting, the user can insert the signature in the desired language.

A translation is inserted in the HTML as follows: <[@\Template\aaa\bbb]>

@ - indicates the use of a translation

\Template - the name of the folder in which the translation can be found

\aaa - the name of the group (sub folder) containing the translation - this is optional

\bbb - the name of the translation

Example: <[@\Template\Closinglines\Informal]>

The folder Template contains the sub folder Closinglines; this contains two Closing lines - a formal one (e.g. Sincerely) and an informal one (e.g. Best regards). In the above example, the informal variation is used for the signature.

This article describes where to find the available translations and how to add to these.

Note To be able to select different languages requires the languages to be added to your subscription. How to do this, is described here.


Any e-mail signature contains one or more images. Some of these are variable (like the logo, see above), but many of these will be static (like social media icons). These static images can be added to the system and referred to in your HTML. How to add them to the system is described here.

Inserting an image in the signature looks like this:

<img src="cid:facebook" />

This inserts an image with the name facebook.

Additional settings

The signature contains a number of standard fields that determine where the settings for the signature can be found. Click here for more information about the default settings and how to modify these.